Mrs Tan Tan's First Post!
Time passes in a jiffy. It's been more than a month since the Tan Tans got married. It's gonna be month after month of changes as we relocate to Japan in a few days' time. We may be there for only one year, or longer if things pan out well. Our first jumbo box was shipped over the weekend - and a couple more will follow this coming weekend, just before we get onto the jetplane. Right now we're still packing, it's kind of challenging coz SQ has a pathetic baggage allowance of only 20kg. I think this can be considered a sabbatical for both of us, as we take a pause in life to smell the roses. We want to do the things we've always wanted to do, but were too busy for. Talk about the typical Singaporean who has practically no time for nourishing his/her soul! Few Singaporeans can understand why we're giving up our careers at this point, to live on less than half (or is it a third??) of the salaries we used to be getting in Singapore. I can totally understand this...